• >Dünger


    Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat (MKP)
    Molecular formula: KH2PO4 MKP
    Molecular weight: 136.09
    White or colorless crystal, easily soluble in water, relative density at 2.338, melting point at 252.6℃ , and PH value of 1% solution is 4.5.
    Used to manufacture metaphosphate in medical or food industry. Used as a high effective K and P compound fertilizer. It contains totally 86% fertilizer elements, used as a basic raw material for N, P and K compound fertilizer.
    Packing and storage:
    In 25kg, 50kg, 1000kg net bags, store at a cool, dry and well ventilated place.

    Guaranteed Technical Specifications :
    Indexes Industrial Grade Food Grade
    Main contents % ≥ 99.0 99.0
    Phosphorus pentoxide% ≥ 51.50 51.50
    Potassium oxide (K2O) % ≥ 34.0 34.0
    PH value of 1% solution 4.4-4.8 4.4-4.8
    Heavy metal, as Pb% ≤- 0.001
    Arsenic, as As% ≤- 0.0003
    Fluoride as F% ≤- 0.005
    Water insoluble% ≤ 0.10 0.10

    Eingestellt vonTAIYOU TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD .